Status Update

A brief update:
  • Late Oct/November 2008: Ecuador – Cuenca, Otavalo & Quito
  • Mid-Nov to early Jan 2009: Back in the USA for the holidays. We came into JFK and met my cousin and his girlfriend for dinner. After the hugs and hellos his first words were "You two look so relaxed." Seven weeks later I was driving southbound on the 5 in San Diego at 80 MPH. I was holding an In ‘n Out burger in my left hand and stuffing fries with my right. The visit had degenerated from merely tightly scheduled to over-the-edge-frantic. If we’d had a flat tire at any point in the last 10 days of our stateside visit it would have trashed our schedule for the remaining time.
  • Jan 2009: Back to Ecuador, then up to Columbia for a couple of days, back to Ecuador to restart the clock on our truck temp import docs. Down to Quito for some truck repairs (more details soon). A week in the Galapagos, back to Quito, another small truck repair, today and tomorrow getting caught up, then we’re heading down to the coast of Ecuador and then into the Amazonian basin. Probably spend another month or two here in Ecuador, depending on how quickly we can get our shipping to SE Asia booked. After Ecuador we plan to explore Columbia for a while.

I am still working on booking shipping for the truck, but we hope to ship from Manta, Ecuador or Cartagena, Columbia to SE Asia soon. Hope to spend at least a year in SE Asia. 

We’ll be offline quite a bit over the next couple of months but I hope to get some posts up about the last few months and what we experience during our ongoing travels as often as possible.